Securing Our Border
The State of Arizona needs an Attorney General who will work with President Trump to secure the border and protect our law enforcement officers risking their lives to stop the flow of fentanyl that’s killing our children.
While the Trump Administration builds the wall, it’s up to the Attorney General and Arizona’s first responders to prosecute border crime and keep our streets safe.
We must immediately increase the National Guard presence at the southern border, expand the Arizona Rangers, and establish a new legal mechanism to expeditiously adjudicate the massive case load created by Joe Biden’s open border invasion.

Fighting the Drug Cartels
President Trump labeled the cartels as terrorist organizations, and I will work with his administration to prosecute these monsters to the fullest extent of the law. They’re devastating families by smuggling deadly fentanyl across the border, trafficking vulnerable people into our communities, and operating as the largest sex traffickers in the world.
With almost two decades of experience prosecuting drug crimes and protecting the victims of sexual assault and harassment, I will step into the job on Day One with the legal skillset to work with President Trump to secure our border.
Furthermore, I will work collaboratively with victim’s rights advocates, local and federal law enforcement, and families to leverage the data collected from cartel operations to pursue their leadership and cripple their organizations.

Protecting Our Police
Extremists have spent years attacking our police officers (in city halls and, in some cases, physically), resulting in Arizona’s law enforcement agencies becoming understaffed, under-resourced, and underappreciated.
Every morning, police officers and firefighters across Arizona leave their families not knowing if they will return home. Having worked alongside Arizona’s first responders as both a prosecutor and board member of the Arizona 100 Club, I’ve heard it from them directly.
Our men and women in blue deserve an Attorney General who will be their champion and have their backs, every time. I will serve as an advocate for law enforcement across the state to ensure that we maintain and attract the best talent and provide the proper resources to keep our streets, schools, and neighborhoods safe.

Prosecuting Election Fraud
Secure elections are the foundation of our democracy. As Attorney General, I will fight for fair, transparent elections and aggressively prosecute those who try to undermine them.
Our state is lucky to have strong laws that protect against fraudulent voting. Unfortunately, they have gone underutilized thanks to our liberal Attorney General, Kris Mayes.
Upon replacing her, I will be a watchdog for our elections and create a hotline for voters to report fraud directly to my office.
I will enforce our ignored election laws, expeditiously investigate and prosecute fraud when it occurs, and ensure every legal vote is counted.

Defending the Second Amendment
It’s often said that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution exists to protect the rest of our rights.
I won’t back down from the extremists who continue to try and suppress our right to self-defense.
As Arizona Attorney General, I will protect your constitutional rights and freedoms, especially your right to keep and bear arms.

Eliminating Waste, Fraud, & Abuse
Arizonans deserve to have their tax dollars spent wisely and conservatively by their elected officials, government agencies, and school districts.
Having worked in small business and public administration and having led large organizations with numerous employees, I’ve seen the importance of rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse when allocating scarce resources.
As Attorney General, I will work to ensure that procurement processes are transparent and accountable, that tax dollars are stretched to receive the maximum return on investment, and that processes are fair and legal.